Hawking is what we count...
"Goshawk's Farm" is placed in the picturesque village in Central Croatia. Farm is settled in the middle of the prime hunting ground abundand with pheasant, duck, hare, wilde coturnix quail and grey partridge so all "Goshawk's Farm" gohawks have been hunted hard before entered in the breeding program.
Falconry knowledge is based on 30 years practical falconry experience while hunting with various types of birds of prey. During the years, beside practical falconry, I've published many articles and scientific papers regarding falconry, bird dogs and small game management.
Uniqe In Continental Europe As All Our Goshawks Are Tested In The Field......
"Goshawk's Farm" mission is to provide the best hunting goshawks from the best hunting progeny proven in the field.....
Falconer And Breeder
Viktor Šegrt, PhD